04.12.2019 | Category, Blog

YAMATO ships some of the most luxurious and sought-after wines, with some wine vintages retailing at costs exceeding $1,000 per bottle, or $12,000 per case.
So, you just made a sizeable investment in harvesting the grapes and bottling cases of valuable wine. No need to worry about shipping your prized vintage across the globe. YAMATO offers a winery-to-doorstep “valuable wine" shipping service. Now you can safely forward your favorite vintage from say, Napa Valley, California to anywhere in the world, including Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau or Europe.
Protecting wine begins with keeping the product not just from extreme temperatures, but from any temperature variation. Fluctuations in temperature can cause or accelerate chemical reactions which alter the flavor, bouquet and color of your wine.
How do we protect your wine from temperature variations? Our
signature "valuable wine" service utilizes temperature control delivery
and sensors which continually monitor your bottled grapes, from pickup at the
winery, to transport by truck, to airport, to warehouse, onto final last mile delivery
at your customer’s doorstep. Whether you are shipping multiple pallets, a case
or a single bottle, your wine remains chilled at 5 -15 degrees Celsius, the
temperature experts agree keeps the wine at its best during shipment. Our
unique wine service ensures the quality you need to protect your investment, for
wineries and consumers alike.